Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Starting Off

Here is my feeble attempt at another new blog...we'll see how this one goes!

So this first blog is to explain where the name 'Sugar Peeps' came from and why I chose to name my blog that. Here we go...

I can vividly remember a lot of things in my childhood...the smell of an orange vanilla candle in our house in Summerfield, my parents always making a big deal out of my birthday, the day our Irish Setter ate our entire Christmas turkey. I also remember that my dad was always messing around the house or the yard and my mom could read a book cover to cover in what seemed like an hour. I remember being in middle school and my mom had just finished a book in which one of the characters is nicknamed 'Sugar Peeps.' My mom told me about this and the fact that she immediately thought about me when she read that name--she said that I had always been so excited by even the littlest things in life and when I got super excited about something I would squeal out loud (we're talking high-pitched, only-dogs-can-hear kind of squeal!) I remember doing this all the time...and there are times now when I still do it!

I know, I know...that's somewhat of a strange story and probably seems like a weird thing to name my blog after. However, as I entered into the newest, biggest chapter of my life when Drew & I got married, I want to make sure that I find those things, those people, those memories that make me that genuinely excited and happy as I did when I was little.

So join me as I explore and enrich my life with new 'sugar peeps'...and hopefully you'll find some of your own!

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